
Oldal címe

Transport specific design of cloud networks: a combination of hybrid-, edge- and mobile cloud computing

Címlapos tartalom

Data about the urban transportation system is specific, has high variety, and includes security-critical attributes, as well as personal data. Transportation-related operational and development decisions are complex and require high amount of data from various sources. Data is collected and generated by multiple standalone organizations, between which data sharing is not sufficient. The potential of cloud-based data storage and computing have been recognized; however, the high complexity and variety of transport data requires new design methods. We elaborate a transport specific cloud architecture, which is a combination of hybrid-, mobile- and edge cloud computing. The hybrid cloud architecture enables a cross-organizational IT integration, improving communication, data-sharing, and cooperation between transport organizations. The edge- and cloud computing architecture induces the IT integration of edge devices. We identified two major groups of edge devices, and two application fields respectively. First, vehicular networks are considered, where edge devices are vehicles and infrastructural elements, e.g., sensors. Second, mobile devices are examined, where mobile networks enable internet-of-things concepts. The spread of 5G networks is also facilitated by the application of the elaborated model, as integrated edge devices and edge-cloud communication require a scalable, fast, reliable and high bandwidth communication system.