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Autonomous Systems landscape in Hungary: model and the first results of a survey

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The global economy increasingly responds to industrial digitization trends and develops its digitalization strategies, i.e., through application of Industry 4.0 concepts. Thereby, initiatives and developments are often carried out on a company-, industry- or country level.Hungary is one of the most industrialized countries in Europe since many leading car companies, together with their suppliers and related industries have production sites in this area. Witnessing the unprecedented scale and speed of industry transformation due to digitization in general and the emergence of autonomous solutions in all aspects of production and logistics in particular, it is well justified to deal with the question of what Autonomous Systems (ASys) will look like. How influential will it be when the changes' hard challenges and disruptive effects will be overcome, and what are the chances to meet the critical requirements of collaboration and cooperation? What are the technological and management tools to avoid being stuck in the so-called pilot purgatory? To analyse the ASys development status on a high level in the main part of this study, we introduce a conceptual model, including pillars and dimensions aiming to understand the Hungarian ecosystem in terms of ASys. The suggested framework follows a holistic approach in assessment by integrating the following pillars: ecosystem smart factory, human, product.In the second part a questionnaire’s first results are presented: there is yet a lot to do to facilitate a definite turn in the mindset of the actors and to make them realize the relevance of simultaneous and continuous cultural and technological development.It's a newly developed, but already tested model to evaluate ASys ecosystems, which can be used in other countries, as well.