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Launching Apache Hadoop cluster
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This tutorial sets up a complete Apache Hadoop infrastructure with the help of Occopus orchestration tool. Apache Hadoop cluster enables end-users to run Map Reduce applications, to process large amounts of data. The built-in Apache Hadoop architecture will be established using Occopus tool, so we need to install Occopus first. Descriptors for installing the Hadoop cluster have been created for users and published for them. After downloading and personalizing descriptors, with just two commands, ELKH Cloud users will be able to build a scalable Apache Hadoop infrastructure on the cloud.
- Lovas R, Nagy E, Kovacs J: Cloud agnostic orchestration for big data research platforms, CIVIL-COMP PROCEEDINGS 111: p. III/15. 16 p. (2017), The Fifth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering (ISBN 978-1-905088-66-9)
- Nagy E, Kovács J, Lovas R: Automated and Portable Hadoop Cluster Orchestration on Clouds with Occopus for Big Data Applications, In: Bubak M, Turala M, Wiatr K (szerk.)
Proceedings of Cracow Grid Workshop'16, CGW 2016. 92 p. Academic Computer Centre CYFRONETAGH, 2016. pp. 47-48.(ISBN:978-83-61433-20-0)